Results for 'Terence Lawlor O'connell'

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  1.  12
    Dialogue on Grief and Consolation.Terence Lawlor O'Connell (ed.) - 2009 - Rodopi.
    Have you lost a loved one? The loss can be inestimable, the grief excruciating. What helped you? Did someone say something comforting? Did someone offer a consolation, which you resented? Have you ever tried to comfort someone with a terminal illness or one who has lost a loved one? Knowing how to help or what to say that is not trite, insincere, or superficial can be difficult. The point of view of a grieving person is quite different from that of (...)
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    Sex, Economy, Freedom & Community, by Wendell Berry.Terence O'Connell - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (1/2):148-155.
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    Daniel O’Connell and Religious Freedom.Maurice R. O’Connell - 1975 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 50 (2):176-187.
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    O'Connell, Young Ireland, and Violence.Maurice R. O'Connell - 1977 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 52 (4):381-406.
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    Foundations of Marxist Aesthetics.Daniel O'Connell - 1978 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 36 (3):374-377.
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    The United States Bishops' Committee Statement on Nutrition and Hydration Commentary.Laurence J. O'Connell, Ronald E. Cranford, T. Patrick Hill & Roberta Springer Loewy - 1993 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2 (3):341.
  7. C.S. Peirce and the Problem of God.S. M. A. James O’Connell - 1958 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 8:24-45.
    Peirce’s doctrine of God has scarcely been studied at all. This is surprising because his own naturally religious temperament, his desire for philosophical completeness and the influence of Kant, all led him to give an important place to theistic speculation in his philosophy. It is true that few parts of his philosophy reveal more than the fragmentary and unfinished nature of his thinking. This however does not take away from its importance both for the interpretation of his philosophy and for (...)
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    Constitutional law: state partial birth abortion statutes may be constitutional.Kristin O'Connell - 1998 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 27 (4):384-385.
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    The Art of Law in the International Community.Mary Ellen O'Connell - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    International law evolved to end and prevent armed conflict as much as for any other reason. Yet, the law against war appears weaker today than ever in its long history, evidenced by raging armed conflicts in which people are killed, injured, and forcibly displaced. The environment is devastated, and the planet impoverished. These consequences can be traced to the dominant ideology of realism. In 1946, Hersch Lauterpacht challenged that ideology by contrasting it with the idea of international law, composed of (...)
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  10. 'Why won't you just tell us the answer?' [Book Review].Darren O'Connell - 2013 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 48 (2):77.
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    Faith and Facts in James’s “Will to Believe”.Robert J. O’Connell - 1995 - International Philosophical Quarterly 35 (3):283-299.
    Assuming that the reader accepts, albeit provisionally, that James's "will" to believe, early and late, implies that his ethics is traversed by a deontological streak, and by a "faith" which implies epistemic form on the relevant facts (both interpretations the writer argued for in two previous essays), a final feature of his position entitles one to interpret his "will" to believe as, not merely a willingness or readiness, but as a controlling resolve, in the strong sense, to interpret the facts (...)
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    Georges Bernanos.David O'Connell - 1980 - Renascence 32 (4):248-255.
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    Critical Essays on Language Use and Psychology.Daniel C. O'Connell - 1988 - Springer.
    Ragnar Rommetveit University of Oslo Let me start this introduction to Professor O'Connell's Critical essays on language use and psychology with some reflections on psychologists and crabs. It so happens that the first professor of psychology in Norway had the middle name Krabbe ("Crab") His full name was Harald Krabbe Schjelderup. Hence, the crab became our symbol for the psychologist. For many years a "crab feast" was held every autumn in Oslo in order to celebrate the material union of (...)
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    Images of Conversion in St. Augustine's Confessions.Robert J. O'Connell - 1996 - Fordham Univ Press.
    Narrowing the focus of his Soundings in St. Augustine's Imagination (1994) O'Connell (philosophy, Fordham U.) analyzes three decisive conversions portrayed in the Confessions: the youthful reading of Cicero, that sparked by the platonist books, and the final capitulation in the Milanese garden. He also compares the conversion imagery with that in the Dialogues of Cassicciacum to shed light on the question of two Augustines. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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    Kantian Moral Retributivism: Punishment, Suffering, and the Highest Good.Eoin O'Connell - 2014 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 52 (4):477-495.
    Against the view of some contemporary Kantians who wish to downplay Kant's retributivist commitments, I argue that Kant's theory of practical of reason implies a retributive conception of punishment. I trace this view to Kant's distinction between morality and well-being and his attempt to synthesize these two concerns in the idea of the highest good. Well-being is morally valuable only insofar as it is proportional to virtue, and the suffering inflicted on wrongdoers as punishment for wrongdoing is morally good so (...)
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  16. Erōs and philia in Plato's moral cosmos.R. J. O'Connell - 1981 - In A. H. Armstrong, H. J. Blumenthal & R. A. Markus, Neoplatonism and early Christian thought: essays in honour of A.H. Armstrong. London: Variorum Publications.
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    Thomas Merton's Vision of the Kingdom.Patrich F. O'connell - 2000 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 3 (4):195-216.
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  18. The religious and spiritual perspective toward human organ donation and transplantation.Laurence J. O'Connell - 2001 - Advances in Bioethics 7:277-292.
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    Faith, Reason, and Ascent to Vision in St. Augustine.Robert J. O’Connell - 1990 - Augustinian Studies 21:83-126.
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    The Visage of Philosophy at Cassiciacum.Robert J. O’Connell - 1994 - Augustinian Studies 25:65-76.
  21.  46
    The Will to Believe" and James's "Deontological Streak.Robert J. O'Connell - 1992 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 28 (4):809 - 831.
    James's ethical thought could frequently be consequentialist, but it could also on occasion show a deontological side, or "streak," as I contended in "William James on the Courage to Believe". This shows up when he speaks of the "strenuous" as against the "easy-going" moral mood, in "The Moral Philosopher and the Moral Life," and it preserves the precursive intervention of our "passional natures" in "The Will to Believe" from lapsing into "wishful thinking." Toned down slightly, perhaps, in "Varieties of Religious (...)
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    To be a machine: adventures among cyborgs, utopians, hackers, and the futurists solving the modest problem of death.Mark O'Connell - 2017 - New York: Doubleday.
    A globe-spanning investigation into the Transhumanist movement, considering the tech billionaires, scientific luminaries, and DIY body-hackers attempting to prolong, improve, and ultimately transcend the limits of human life.
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    Social Darwinism.Jeffrey O'Connell & Michael Ruse - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element is a philosophical history of Social Darwinism. It begins by discussing the meaning of the term, moving then to its origins, paying particular attention to whether it is Charles Darwin or Herbert Spencer who is the true father of the idea. It gives an exposition of early thinking on the subject, covering Darwin and Spencer themselves and then on to Social Darwinism as found in American thought, with special emphasis on Andrew Carnegie, and Germany with special emphasis on (...)
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    The role of empathy in choosing rewards from another's perspective.Garret O'Connell, Anastasia Christakou, Anthony T. Haffey & Bhismadev Chakrabarti - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    God, Gods, and Moral Cosmos in Socrates’ Apology.Robert J. O’Connell - 1985 - International Philosophical Quarterly 25 (1):31-50.
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    Augustine’s View of Reality.Robert J. O’Connell - 1966 - International Philosophical Quarterly 6 (1):138-139.
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    Development and Aid in Sub-Saharan Africa.Stephen A. O’Connell & Lindsay Dolan - 2012 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 9 (2):245-264.
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    Do We Need Unicorns When We Have Law?Rory O'connell - 2005 - Ratio Juris 18 (4):484-503.
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    Is holism an appropriate philosophy for nursing?Beverly O'Connell & Peter Radloff - 1995 - Nursing Inquiry 2 (1):59-59.
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  30. Pre-existence in Augustine's Seventh Letter.Robert O'connell - 1969 - Revue d' Etudes Augustiniennes Et Patristiques 15 (1-2):67-74.
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    Raging Against the Night: Dying Homeless and Alone.James J. O’Connell - 2005 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 16 (3):262-266.
  32. Terraforming history: the virtual reconstruction of property.B. M. O'Connell - 1998 - Social Epistemology 12:351-361.
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    Antecedent Probability and A Grammar of Assent.Marvin R. O’Connell - 1987 - New Scholasticism 61 (2):218-229.
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    Essays on the Philosophy of Socrates.Robert J. O’Connell - 1993 - International Philosophical Quarterly 33 (3):366-368.
  35.  40
    Notes.Robert J. O'Connell - 1981 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:30-61.
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    A window onto the basic elements of perceptual decision making in the human brain.O'Connell Redmond - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  37.  26
    The Origin of the Soul in St. Augustine's Later Works.Robert J. O’Connell - 2020 - Fordham University Press.
    This book rounds off the study of St. Augustine's view of the human condition which Fr. O'Connell began in St. Augustine's Early Theory of Man, A.D. 386-391, and continued in St. Augustine's Confessions: The Odyssey of Soul. The central thesis of that first book, and the guiding hypothesis of the second, proposed that Augustine thought of us in "Plotinian" terms, as "fallen souls," and that he interpreted, in all sincerity, the teachings of Scripture as reflecting that same view. (...) sees the weightiest objection to his proposal as stemming from what scholars generally agree is Augustine's firm rejection of that view in his later works. The central contention here is that Augustine did indeed reject his earlier theory, but only for a short while. He came to see the text from Romans 9, 11 as apparently compelling that rejection. But then his firm belief that all humans are guilty of original sin would have left him traducianism as his only acceptable way of understanding the origin of sinful human souls. The materialistic cast of traducianism, however, always repelled Augustine. Hence, he struggles to elaborate a fresh interpretation of Romans 9,11, and eventually he finds one that permits him to return to a slightly revised version of his earlier view. That theory, O'Connell argues, is encased in both the De Civitate Dei and the final version of the De Trinitate. This terse summary barely hints at the richness of detail contained here: O'Connell beginswith a minute analysis of the third book of the De Libero Arbitrio, then of the letters and works ostensibly supporting rival chronological patterns which he must overturn in order to make his case. Finally, in the light of his findings, he offers fresh interpretations of Augustine's three mature masterpieces, On Genesis, The Trinity, and City of god. These, along with Fr. O'Connell's contention that Augustine's anti-Pelagian De Peccatorum Meritis et Remissione must have seen publication no earlier than A.D. 416/17, will doubtless fuel scholarly debate for some time to come. Indeed, Pelagianism made the question of the soul's origin so pivotal for Augustine, that few of our current interpretations of Augustine are likely to remain unaffected by the results of O'Connell's searching and provocative study. (shrink)
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  38. Where the Difference Still Lies.S. J. Robert O’Connell - 1990 - Augustinian Studies 21:139-152.
    When Dr. van Fleteren writes of the articles I criticized as dating from some twenty years ago, the unwary reader might infer that my criticism of those articles was, for its part, relatively recent. The fact is, however, that when the two connected articles I eventually criticized appeared in the volumes of Augustinian Studies, I wrote this reply while Fr. Robert Russell, of happy memory, was still at the helm, and was promised publication in the near future. Meanwhile, however, Fr. (...)
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    Art and the Christian intelligence in St. Augustine.Robert J. O'Connell - 1978 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    St. Augustine was a consummate artist as well as a great philosopher, and he was deeply concerned with art, beauty and human values. But little attention has been paid to his theory of aesthetics. Now a distinguished Augustine scholar turns to this important subject and offers a book that is at once engaging, comprehensive and complete.
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    A guide to the vexed.Brian M. O'Connell - 1999 - Social Epistemology 13 (2):235 – 237.
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    Ethicists and health care reform: An indecent proposal?Laurence J. O'Connell - 1994 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 19 (5):419-424.
    The Clinton Administration stated that the list of values and moral principles generated by the Ethics group reflects "fundamental national beliefs about community, equality, and liberty" and that "these convictions anchor health reform in shared moral traditions." However, these statements are difficult to justify. There is not a moral consensus in America that would justify thorough-going health care reform. In such a context of pluralism, ethicists should seek to move society in the direction of solidarity. The participation of ethicists on (...)
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    Mindreading: an investigation into how we learn to love and lie.Sanjida O'Connell - 1998 - New York: Doubleday.
    A fascinating, popular account of the nascent field of psychology devoted to the "Theory of Mind" shows how humans' awareness of the inner worlds of others enables them to form mature relationships with them as well as to deceive them.
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    Meister Eckhardt. Die Geburt der" Deutschen Mystik" aus dem Geist der arabischen Philosophie by Kurt Flasch (review).Daniel O’Connell - 2013 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 51 (2):315-316.
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    Rehabilitation of Attention Functions.Redmond G. O'Connell & Ian H. Robertson - 2014 - In Anna C. Nobre & Sabine Kastner, The Oxford Handbook of Attention. Oxford University Press.
    The evidence for the effectiveness of rehabilitation of three types of attention—selectivity, sustained attention, and attentional switching—is reviewed. Limited but significant effects in all three domains are observed, though evidence for generalization to wider everyday life functions remains relatively sparse. In the case of sustained attention and also in the case of spatial selectivity, the modulating effects of arousal are shown to be important, and higher level executive deficits may at times be exacerbated or even caused by lowered levels of (...)
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    Religious perspectives and the work of the ethics committee.Laurence J. O'Connell - 1995 - HEC Forum 7 (4):205-210.
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    A Word of Approval from the Deans of the Missouri Province.O'Connell - 1926 - Modern Schoolman 2 (5):72-72.
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    Getting to.Michael O'connell - 2013 - Renascence 65 (5):351-364.
  48. “I Do What Happens”: The Productive Character of Practical Knowledge.Rory O’Connell - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (5):670-686.
    Elizabeth Anscombe introduced the notion of “practical knowledge” into contemporary philosophy. Philosophers of action have criticized Anscombe’s negative characterization of such knowledge as “non-observational,” but have recently come to pay more attention to her positive characterization of practical knowledge as “the cause of what it understands.” I argue that two recent Anscombean accounts of practical knowledge, “Formalism” and “Normativism,” each fail to explain the productive character of practical knowledge in a way that secures its status as non-observational. I argue that (...)
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    The Origins of Restorative Conferencing.Terry O’Connell - 2009 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 18 (1/2):87-94.
    Terry O’Connell helped pioneer restorative justice in Australia, the United Kingdom and North America. A 30-year police veteran, he worked with the Thames Valley Police service developing restorative practices in the UK, including its use in police agency complaints and discipline systems. O’Connell is responsible for the creation of the Real Justice conference script, a Socratic approach that focuses on asking restorative questions. O’Connell realized that letting people talk about how they were affected by the actions of others wasmore effective (...)
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    Multi-Scale Entrainment of Coupled Neuronal Oscillations in Primary Auditory Cortex.M. N. O’Connell, A. Barczak, D. Ross, T. McGinnis, C. E. Schroeder & P. Lakatos - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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